Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Biography Project

In case you didn't see (or lost) the information about the biography project...

Dear Families,

For a long-term project this year, the children will write a BIOGRAPHY of a famous person from Massachusetts.  Most information should be gathered from reading an assigned book, but should also be supplemented using the Internet.  Each student needs to use the attached outline to write a report.  The outline will be due on 3/14/13.  The rough draft will be due on 3/21/13.  The written report, costume, and Expo board will be due on 4/4/13.

The written report should follow the outline, which should be about four (4) paragraphs.  The last page should list the references the students use to gather their information including the title and author of any books, as well as any website addresses.  This needs to be placed in a plastic page protector attached to the Expo Tri-board (can be purchased at AC Moore/Staples).

The Expo Tri-board should contain pictures, illustrations, or artifacts that represent your child's famous Massachusetts' person.  Be creative!

On 4/12/13 at 9:30 A.M. our class will be participating in the John F. Kennedy Elementary School Wax Museum.  Each child will be required to DRESS UP as his or her famous person and talk about his or her life in the halls of the museum (the cafeteria).  Parents will be invited to attend the Wax Museum.  guests are encouraged to "view" the wax figures to learn about the accomplishments these people from Massachusetts are famous for.  The children will be expected to know his/her famous person well enough to answer questions, however,  students will be allowed to refer to information written on an index card.  Please bring your costume to school in a bag with your name on it the day the written reports are due.

Here is an example of what the wax museum looks like: Wax Museum Photos 2011-2012

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